Equipping + empowering athletes with the skills + support to do hard things.


The Livingstone High Performance Athlete Academy + Mental Muscle Gym© is an online program designed to meet your athlete exactly where they are—using a comprehensive toolkit that blends brain-based coaching with body-work to harness the powerful brain-body connection—and help them unlock new levels of performance in both life and sport.

The LHP Athlete Academy© is a virtual, six-block series created by Samantha Arsenault Livingstone to help student-athletes identify, develop and strengthen the supports, skills and tools needed to positively cope with pressure, stress and other hard things - in sport and in life.

The LHP Mental Muscle Gym© houses over fifty, sport-centric, 2-15 minute mindfulness-based "workouts" to strengthen attentional and emotional agility - an integral part of performance and wellbeing. It also introduces other body-based exercises like different kinds of breathwork, and Emotional Freedom Technique (aka tapping) to create a more robust, 'real-time' toolbox.


A one time payment of $600

6 monthly payments of $100


i.e. the thoughts, emotions + stories we tell ourselves.

Have you ever put in the work and the results just weren’t there?

It certainly doesn’t feel good…
and can make us question whether or not we have what it takes.


The notion that if you just work hard enough, you’ll achieve what you want - is incomplete.

It’s not the whole truth… there are factors outside of your control that impact outcome.

(Not an easy one to digest.)

It’s time to rework the old equation of hard work = outcome into a more expansive and accurate version. New research in sports performance, neuroscience, and psychology shows that we achieve at higher levels when we shine a light on our feelings and emotions and use that awareness to guide our responses. By incorporating brain-based coaching methods alongside body-based work, we honor the whole person—integrating who we are as athletes with the wisdom of our internal, embodied experience.

Our athletes can learn to harness the power of our emotions (for real),
release the grip of worry + what-iffing and break free
from the Fear of Other People’s Opinions.

Worried that they won’t have the time to commit to one.more.thing?

We’ve broken things down into bite size pieces - so they can integrate this often missing pillar (the mental pillar!) into their life as human striving in sport.

Imagine your athletes dramatically reducing nerves, self-doubt, overthinking and perfectionism so they can:

  • Positively cope with pressure, stress, expectations and other hard things

  • Fully TRUST in the process + themselves

  • Unhook from the grip of comparison, fear and the inner judge without losing their competitive edge

  • Take charge of their inner world (vs. the thoughts + emotions taking charge of them)

  • Feel firmly planted, KNOWING they’re capable of the challenges in front of them

My name is Samantha Arsenault Livingstone.

I’m an Olympic gold medalist, high-performance consultant, forever athlete and fierce mental health advocate. I’m also a mother of four sports-loving girls and married to a Master collegiate strength + conditioning coach. Sport is woven deeply through the fabric of our home - and it’s where I spend the most time in my consulting business, helping teams and organizations build healthy, high-performing cultures. It’s dream work - and work I never imagined I’d be doing.

After retiring from 18 years in the competitive swimming world that took me around the world and to the top of the Olympic podium + NCAA podium, I jumped wholeheartedly into the world of education and club coaching. I had my life mapped out - until one of our twins needed open-heart surgery at just 12 mo old. (She’s a healthy + thriving tween today!)

That experience was one the most brutal of my life - and, it was one of the most beautiful. Understanding that two things could be true at the same time was a bridge that led me back to my 18 year-old self who stood atop the Olympic podium in Sydney Australia with this gold medal around her neck.

On the outside, it looked like she had it all together. On the inside, a completely different story. As I was finding my way as a young mother with 3 girls under 3 - healing from the intensity of the hospital stay, I started to rumble with this question: Can we cultivate greatness and be healthy? The short answer is YES. When we’re equipped with the skills + support, we can perform and thrive as humans.

The Livingstone High Performance Academy + Mental Muscle Gym is born out of a need - providing a solution to the very real problem that still exists in sport. One that hit me as a major AHA moment while watching my daughter’s learn to play hockey (no, none of them swim! They prefer to play on frozen water!!).

The drill they were doing had them skating across the ice full speed and then at certain spots, they’d slide across the ice on their bellies, head first with arms out like superheroes. The design of the drill: Teach them HOW to get up on the ice. Hold up. Wait.

That simple act reflects a profound truth: the struggles and pain we navigate aren’t only physical. They require us to engage both mind and body. We need to teach our athletes how to rise—integrating brain-based insights with body-based techniques that strengthen the brain-body connection.

For the past 10+ years, it’s been my mission to weave together all my skills—as athlete, teacher, coach, mother, advocate, mindfulness instructor, and human with lived experience—to help others learn how to do just this.

To empower + equip. To educate. To pay forward what I’ve learned along the way. It’s dream work.


Unlock New Levels of Performance With Tools to Help You Cope With Pressure, Stress, and Other Hard Things.

In the Livingstone Athlete Academy, you’ll find resources and real time tools to help you reclaim your power, stack tools in your toolbox so you can unlock new levels of performance and navigate hard things in your life. No one has it all together. When things are feeling a little stormy inside, you need tested, and reliable tools that work for YOU. 

Think of this space as a weight room for your brain. Just as we wouldn't expect to drop into the weight room once or twice and expect strength gains, the same is true for our brain. 

We are humans first, and as humans, we experience emotions. I want to challenge you to strip away the labels and look at emotion for what it really is (not good or bad). 

The LHP Athlete Academy© is a virtual, six-block series created by Samantha Arsenault Livingstone to help student-athletes identify, develop and strengthen the supports, skills and tools needed to positively cope with pressure, stress and other hard things - in sport and in life. The LHP Mental Muscle Gym© houses over fifty, sport-centric, 2-15 minute mindfulness-based "workouts" to strengthen attentional and emotional agility - an integral part of performance and wellbeing.

Do you know a Self-Motivated Athlete
Striving for Excellence?

This is for THEM!

This program is for self-motivated athletes who are striving for excellence and are hitting a few speedbumps (or mega curveballs) along the way - internally and/or externally.

Have they expressed to you that their mind shifts + drifts from the present moment and focuses on: stress, pressure, comparison, what other people will think, or imagine all worst case scenarios when what they really want is to be in the moment?

THIS IS ALL NORMAL. In fact, I’ve experienced many of these things as an Olympic gold medalist, and they are topics that have surfaced consistently in my work with teens + young adults over the past 18+ years. 


Your athlete will learn how to unlock new levels of performance by identifying, developing and strengthening the supports, skills and tools needed to positively cope with pressure, stress and other hard things, so they can achieve greatness in sport and life, while honoring the emotions and struggles that come with being human.

Inside the Livingstone Athlete Academy, you’ll find:

A six-block series created by Samantha Arsenault Livingstone, OLY., M.Ed. to help student-athletes identify, develop and strengthen the supports, skills and tools needed to positively cope with pressure, stress and other hard things - in sport and in life. The LHP Mental Muscle Gym© houses over fifty, sport-centric, 2-15 minute mindfulness-based "workouts" to strengthen attentional and emotional agility - an integral part of performance and wellbeing.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

We can’t talk about the harnessing the power of the brain without talking about all things nutrition. Inside the Academy, you’ll find powerful resources from Rebecca McConville, MS RD LD CSSD CEDRD-S. Her insight helps connect so many dots - and empowers and equips athletes with tools to optimize their wellbeing and performance.

More about Becca: She’s the owner of Rebecca McConville Consulting and is the Director of Performance Nutrition at Mind Body Endurance supervising sports dietitians specializing in eating disorders. 

In addition to private practice, she has served as a consultant to the University of Missouri Kansas City Athletics, Kansas City Ballet, local colleges and previously worked with the Kansas City Chiefs. Becca along with Dr.Riley Nickols have developed and presented over the US :The Eating Disorder in Sport Workshop for athlete providers.

Becca is also the author of Finding your Sweet Spot- How to Avoid RED-S (Relative Energy Deficit in Sport) by Optimizing Your Energy Balance and RED-Solution mentorship program for clinicians. She also co-authored AT LAST a workbook for athletes transitioning out of sport.

Included in Academy Membership

  • 12 months of access to the LHP Athlete Academy + Mental Muscle Gym

  • 6 workout blocks inside the LHP Athlete Academy, with over 32 videos from Olympic Gold Medalist Samantha Arsenault Livingstone, M.Ed. and Director of Performance Nutrition at Mind Body Endurance Rebecca McConville

  • 6 customizable, printable workout cards for each block

  • Library of over 50, 2-15 min. sport-centric mindfulness-based exercises to strengthen neural pathways

  • Optional mental toughness scale to measure gains


$600 or 6 monthly payments of $100


Enroll your athlete now to ensure they start their season with the tools they need for success. Ultimately, this journey is about helping them become the world’s greatest expert on THEMSELVES. 

And to do so means knowing where we turn when things get tough. Because they will. 

Small actions taken daily compound over time. Start building the skills now that will help you perform at your highest levels this season.


  • I hear this. My first response would be to lean into what emotions are coming up for you - overwhelm? excitement? hope? uncertainty about how if it’ll be worth it? You’re worth the time + effort. These skills will serve in your pursuit of excellence athletically - and beyond that - they are skills you’ll take with you into all areas of your life.

    How many hours, days, weeks, months, years do we spend training the physical and technical parts of our sport? How many of us have put in the hours, done the work - and fallen short of what we know we’re capable of achieving an experiencing because our body + mind were not in line?

    It is going to take work. And. It’ll be worth it.

    It can feel uncomfortable to try new things - and that discomfort opens us to growth and new opportunities. What we know from the work of researchers like Drs. Brené Brown and Susan David is that when we invest time + energy into this work, it saves us time and energy in the long term. We cannot rise when we’re on the ground beating ourselves up - learning HOW to rise takes work.

  • I used to think this stuff was “not for me” - and believed wholeheartedly that meeting myself with harsh criticism and judgement is what gave me my edge. (Because that’s the story we were sold.) Truth is - I got to the top of the Olympic podium in spite of that critical voice, not because of it which leaves me wondering what could have been if I had been healthy.

    Let’s toss out the ever growing body of research and pretend that the old school way of ‘sucking it up’ and ‘shoving it down’ and ‘pushing through’ does contribute to achievement, we must ask ourselves: At what cost? For me, that inner voice drove me into the darkness of depression, suicidal ideation and an eating disorder.

    I’m curious to learn more. If they’re willing, I’d be happy to connect on strategy call to answer any of their questions. Send them here to sign up for a free, 20 min strategy call.

  • This isn’t about adding more to your plate, though technically we can’t create more time in a day. We can decide what we say no to in order to say yes to other things; we cannot do it all. (Yikes, my recovering perfectionist self just clenched my jaw a bit - and that’s the truth.) This journey isn’t about showing up perfectly every day; it’s about stretching ourselves to grow in new ways so we can unlock new levels of performance WHILE honoring our whole-selves. What’s the alternative?

    Dropping in for 2-15 minutes a day - or a few times a week - is better than nothing. Small steps move us forward. The time spent here changes how the rest of the day feels; when we take time to reset, we are able to move stress through, respond vs. react, and be present with the people and tasks in front of us.

  • All of the Workout Blocks are available upon enrollment.

  • Twelve-ish weeks depending on how you utilize the space. You’ll have access to the space for 12 months - so no need to rush to finish.

  • Encouraging your friends and teammates to join you is highly encouraged - and - they’ll need their own membership to the spaces. Sharing your user name + login is not OK. Sharing what your learning and inviting them to join you is totally OK.

  • Yes. You can pin the membership space to the home screen of your phone OR download the Kajabi app (it’s the host platform I use - kind of like the iTunes for online courses + workshops).

  • Greater awareness. Higher levels of fulfillment. Elevated performances. Braver voices. Higher levels of grounded confidence - the knowingness that they can take on the challenge in front of them. More equipped humans who meet themselves with greater levels of kindness when they’re down - which leads to them rising faster. More joy in sport. Athletes feeling seen + heard + truly going for it. Athletes transitioning into college and life after sport feeling READY for the hard things they’ll encounter.

    On the coach front - greater awareness. Improved feedback. Growth on all front. Stronger, more connected teams. Athletes digging in with grit and grace. Evolution in language - less complaining and negativity. Less judgement. Way more curiosity. Increased confidence to talk about emotions and spot thinking errors.

    Witnessing growth + walking alongside of humans as they discover the strength inside of them is what pulled me into teaching in the first place. It’s an absolute honor. So grateful I get to do this. Cannot wait to watch you step into your power full + soar.


The High Performance Process will help them achieve: 

  • Clarity around their goals so they know where they are now, where they want to go, and why it’s important to them

  • Awareness around the thoughts and emotions they’re having that impact their behavior so they can focus on actions that serve and support their success.

  • Curiosity around their thoughts so they stop beating themself up and worrying about what other people think

  • Aligned action so they have the tools and skills to control how they respond to stress and bumps in the road.

You ready to step into the New School? :) I’ve got them. Let’s do this.



Click the button below to connect with Samantha.