The WAI We Rise: A Mental Health Initiative

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Maddy. Steven. Junior. Tyler. Speedy. Kelly. Pavle.

Beautiful humans who left this physical world far too soon. All of them high-achieving athletes - literally on top of the world. On the outside, it looked as though they had it all together. On the inside, a very different truth.

While the details of their stories differ, the thread that cuts through is one that’s painfully familiar.

Two months after winning gold at the Sydney Olympics, I was battling depression, an eating disorder and suicidal ideation. On the outside, it looked as though I had it all together. On the inside, a very different truth.

Thankfully, my coach noticed.

He noticed and knew where to send me - to the office of Greg Harden where I’d spend the next two years walking my way to recovery.

It’s really hard to think about what might have happened if my coach hadn’t noticed. Or if he noticed, but didn’t know what to say or who to turn to. I cannot say with certainty that I’d be here.

Over these past six years, I’ve been building a business centered around elevating mental health and improving performance. It’s been a labor of love - and really hard at times. Because, the truths shared in Athlete A + the Weight of Gold documentaries are reflective of sport - at all levels.

We’ve got work to do when it comes to shifting the culture - especially when it comes to mental health, vulnerability and asking for help.

Today, I’m so excited to share with you that Livingstone High Performance has teamed up with two incredible humans - Lynn Hennighausen, MS., National Trainer, MHFA and Katie Kilty, Ed.D., Principal, MindPower Resources to launch the WAI We Rise Mental Health Initiative.

Our goal is to impact one million athletes - and then 10X it until all athletes feel brave, supported and seen.

We’re doing it by training coaches in Mental Health First Aid so they can become Brave Noticers + Bridge Builders.

How can you help? Spread the word. Share this blog. Sponsor a coach. Enroll in a training. Become an Ambassador.

We are stronger together.

Our kids are counting on us.


Speaking of what’s under the surface…

Last week, I was a guest on Coaches Corner with swim coach Mike Murray and we talked about all things well-being. Mike asked me questions I’ve never been asked before - about my journey in sport and what I know now.

Coaches Corner with Mike Murray: Watch your well-being: Mental & Emotional Health for Parents, Athletes & Coaches


Join Mike Murray & Olympian Samantha Arsenault Livingstone as they engage a deep dive discussion about creating the space for awareness surrounding your mental health, strategies to help cope with performance anxiety, recognizing signs and symptoms of stress, and emotional distress. Sam eloquently shares her unique experiences, first as one of the few people to ever win a Gold Medal, but also as a life coach, high-performance consultant, mother, sister, and daughter. This episode was deeply impactful and will leave you with a better understanding of the significance of taking the time to look inward.


Samantha Arsenault Livingstone is an Olympic gold medalist, high-performance consultant, speaker and mental health advocate. In 2016, Samantha founded Livingstone High Performance and the Whole Athlete Initiative (the WAI) in response to the mental health crisis impacting adolescents across the globe. LHP provides pillars of support to organizations, teams and individuals to elevate mental health and improve performance. 

In addition to private and group coaching, Samantha consults with teams and organizations on athlete wellness initiatives, leadership, strategic planning, rising skills and developing high-performance cultures. She is a certified instructor of Mental Health First Aid for adults working with youth and a facilitator of Mindful Sports Performance Enhancement. 

Samantha is the founder and facilitator of two, multi-module online courses, the Rise Free Academy and Ride the Wave — inspiring, empowering and equipping others with the skills + supports needed to become more mindful, courageous, resilient leaders.

Samantha and her husband, Rob, live in New England with their four daughters. To learn more about her offerings, go over to  


The Invisible Injury


Honoring the WHOLE Athlete